
Article I – Membership

1. Types of membership

1. Regular
    1. Performing members
    2. Non-performing members
    3. Student members
2. Non-resident members may continue their interest and membership by the paying of yearly dues.
3. Honorary member. When awarded by the Executive Board, no dues are required.

2. Membership:

1. Applicants to be performing members should have a written recommendation by a current AMS member. The recommending member should have heard a performance by the applicant and/or reviewed his/her musical experience and education.
    1. An applicant will submit an AMS membership form to the Executive Board.
    2. The Executive Board will review the performing member application and may request an informal audition by the applicant.
    3. When reviewed by the Executive Board, the applicant will be notified of being accepted as a performing or non-performing member.
2. Applicants to be non-performing members should fill out a membership form and send it with the dues to the Treasurer.

Article II – Dues

In order to be listed in the program book and to perform, members must pay their dues by July 1st (post-marked) for the up-coming club year. The amount of dues may be changed by a majority vote of the Executive Board.

Article III – Duties of Officers and Committee Chairpersons

1. President

1. To preside at all meetings of the Society and of the Executive Board.
2. To meet with the Executive Board each spring after the last program, and each August, prior to the beginning of the next club year.
3. To communicate with the general membership each spring after the last meeting that includes the form for dues, and to send a letter of welcome each fall when the books are mailed. A newsletter from the president, including forms, may be used in place of these letters.
4. To schedule performance dates with the the program committee each club year.
5. To select a chairman for the Nominating Committee in January of each year.
6. To perform all other duties incumbent upon this office.

2. Vice President (Program Committee Chairperson)

1. To select one or more members to assist with committee duties as follows.
2. To choose the performers and plan programs that will provide variety and balance.
3. To provide a list of performers selected for the year’s recitals to the Yearbook Editor prior to the deadline set by the Editor.
4. To supervise performances and provide programs for each performance.
5. To assure the maintenance of high standard of performance by ensuring the readiness of performers.
6. To ensure the maintenance of the pianos in each location by making sure the instrument(s) have been recently tuned.
7. To be informed by all performers of the numbers they will perform not later than the date set by the Program Committee for each recital.
8. To attend meetings of the Executive board and make committee reports as necessary.
9. To perform the duties of the President in case of absence or incapacity.

3. Secretary (Bylaws Committee Chairman)

1. To keep records of all society and Executive Board meetings, and preserve all papers pertaining to the Society.
2. To discuss once a year at an Executive Board meeting whether there is a need to amend the Bylaws.
3. To select members at large or members of the Executive Board to amend the Bylaws if deemed necessary, to bring those changes before the Executive Board for approval.
4. To communicate with accepted new members welcoming them to membership.
5. To communicate with members for illness, recent loss, etc.
6. To stay up to date through members and the Executive Board when a member is ill or experiencing a hardship.
7. To send a note of appreciation to members and guests who have performed on programs each year.

4. Treasurer (Membership Chairperson)

1. To collect and disburse all moneys and record all financial transactions.
2. To conduct all correspondence pertaining to dues, including notifying members when their membership has been annulled by the Executive Boards for non-payment of dues.
3. To act as custodian for the Society, and to report the financial status at each meeting.
4. To keep all membership records up to date.
5. To advise the Board of new membership applications received.
6. To notify the Executive Board of person(s) who have sent in a letter of resignation from membership.

5. Yearbook Editor

1. To notify the Executive Board of the deadline for material to be submitted for the upcoming yearbook.
2. To compose, edit, print and distribute the yearbook one month before the first meeting of the upcoming year.

6. Historian

1. To preserve the history of the American Music Society by gathering Society documents.
2. To monitor the Society records that are stored and filed in the Periodical Division of the Tutt Library at Colorado College.

7. Publicity

1. To be responsible for all publicity for the open meetings at public recital locations.
2. To turn over copies of publicity to the Historian to preserve for the Society.

8. Hospitality

1. To select one or more members to assist with committee duties as follows.
2. To work with Program Chairperson to procure and arrange for meeting places.
3. To appoint hosts/hostesses and assistants to provide refreshments for each meeting/recital, one being the chair.
4. To provide a list of hosts/hostesses and those assisting for each meeting/recital to the Yearbook Editor by the deadline set by the Editor.
5. To contact the chair of the refreshment group about two weeks prior to each meeting/recital as a reminder of the upcoming event. The chair of the refreshment group will then be responsible for contacting those assisting to coordinate refreshments with his/her team.

9. At-large Members

1. To attend board meetings and aid in the planning and decision making for the Society.
2. To assist officers and committee chairpersons on an as needed basis.


Duties of officers shall begin on the date of election.

Article IV – Duties of the Executive Board

Duties of the Executive Board shall be:
1. To exercise and govern all Society functions not exercised by the Society as a whole, or not otherwise provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws.
2. To fill any vacant office for the non-expired portion of the term.
3. To give the President power to act in an emergency.

Article V – Duties and Privileges of Participating Members

The duties and privileges of Members shall be:
1. To appear on programs as requested, following guidelines set by the Program Committee and the Executive Board.
2. To act as hosts or hostesses, or their assistants, usually not more than once each season.
3. To pay dues as specified in Article II.
4. To faithfully attend recitals, meetings, and social events planned by the Executive Board.
5. To invite guests to attend recitals and social events and then offer an invitation to join the Society.

Article VI – Nominating committee

Candidates for Offices shall be selected by a nominating committee of three, appointed by the President in January. Officers shall be voted upon by the general membership at the last meeting of the current club year.

Article VII – Meetings


Meetings of the American Music Society shall be held on Sunday afternoons as announced


The Executive Board shall meet at least twice a year, at the end of the current year, and again before the first recital/meeting of the upcoming club year.


The retiring and new Boards shall meet together following the election of officers, for the purpose of clarifying duties and making summer assignments, setting deadlines for the Yearbook and all other business.


Business meetings of the Society or of the Executive Board may be called by the President as required.


Order of business at Executive Board meetings shall be as follows:
1. Call to order
2. Reading of minutes
3. Report of the Secretary
4. Report of the Treasurer
5. Report of the Vice President of Programs Committee
6. Report of the Hospitality Committee Chairperson.
7. Report of Special Committees
8. Unfinished business
9. New Business
10. Adjournment

Article VIII – Amendments

This Constitution or the Bylaws may be amended at any time by a majority vote of the membership.